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What is the Library of Life?

The Library of Life is a collection of video stories that will give all of us access to new perspectives on difficult situations we might be going through. Our stories are about journeys towards recovery and overcoming the hurdles of life, how we navigate towards safe harbour when seas are rough.

The Library Vault

Trigger warnings: isolation, panic 

The Bump
Trigger warnings: child / parent in distress

Barry the Degu

Trigger warnings: abuse, anxiety

Jon’s Recovery Journey
Trigger warnings: abuse, drug use, hospitalization

Trigger warnings: incarceration, isolation

Trigger warnings: Postnatal Depression

Tam’s Story
Trigger warnings: stress, loud music

That’s all folks
Trigger warnings: anxiety

From Without Hope to With Hope
Trigger warnings: domestic abuse 

For the invisible ones
Trigger warnings: neglect

ORC – My life isn’t in your book

Student voices talking about what the Recovery College means to them and how it has helped them find a way forward 

The power of music

Work stress and using music in recovery.

The Situation

Getting the right help.

Finding me 
Learning to live again after

The Moth

using poetry in recovery

One foot in front of the other

Borderline Personality Disorder, self harm, complex needs, faith and friendship

Learning to be

A journey of drawings

My mental health story

Through psychosis

If only

Everything happens for a reason.

A recipe for emotional stability

managing mental ill health at university

I think I’m alone now

Finding peace with myself

4 years in 24 slides

Using mental health services to find acceptance

Why me?

Finding strength after abuse

Sound of Silence

Hearing Loss

Mother of the Isles

Inspired by Proust and the Hebridean Isles

New in 2024

Finding My Voice


Has it ever gotten so bad that you thought about ending your life?

What’s In a Name?

(Family breakdown)

My search for who I am, an adoptee’s journey of self-discovery



The after effects of workplace bullying

The Power of Forgiveness

(Bullying in childhood)

Effect of bullying on mental health

The Big Bang

(Mental health crisis and parenting)

My recovery so far from a mental health crisis

A Good Enough Parent

(Neglect, trauma)

Breaking destructive parenting patterns to create a positive parenting relationship

Coming back to myself


Rediscovering ones identity

My Discovery Journey in my Ongoing Bipolar 2 Recovery

(Bipolar disorder)

The Little One

(Childhood trauma)

Exploring identity, and how to

express oneself when not seen or heard

Moving On

(Trauma, hospitalization)

Transitioning to community from the secure mental health services

The Lunatic Asylum

(Inpatient experiences)

Reflections on the history of mental health treatment in the Warneford Hospital Oxford.

About Us

These stories were created by the students and tutors of Oxfordshire Recovery College and the Forensic Recovery College. They were keen to share their journey with you, in the hope that their experience can help shine a light for others. We want those who find our Library to draw strength from knowing that others have struggled too.

For more information, you can contact us directly about the Library of Life on:
Email: libraryoflife@restore.org.uk